

  • 姓名:罗正鹏
  • 职称:助理教授、研究员
  • 导师类别:博士研究生导师
  • 电子邮箱:zpluo@pku.edu.cn









ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7116-8677


刘臣玮、罗正鹏*、高一虹 (forthcoming). 生前预嘱推广演讲中的死亡话语素养实践——讲者叙事定位与听众反馈. 《华人生死学》.


Luo, Z., & Zayts-Spence, O. (2024). “Doing genetic literacy”: A discourse-oriented approach to literacy in genetic contexts. New Genetics and Society, 43(1), Article e2435832. (SSCI; SCI)


Liao, C., & Luo, Z.* (2024). Creative appropriation of offline linguistic landscapes on Chinese social media: The case of playful mockery of universities on Sina Weibo. Social Semiotics, 1-28. (SSCI; A&HCI)


Liu, X., & Luo, Z.* (2024). Communicating male sexual dysfunction: The medicalization and psychologization of sexual experiences in Chinese online medical consultations. Social Science & Medicine, 350, Article 116927. (SSCI; SCI)


Luo, Z., & Zayts-Spence, O. (2023). The discursive construction and negotiation of genetic knowledge in an online health forum in Mainland China. In O. Zayts-Spence & S. Bridges (Eds.), Language, Health and Culture: Problematizing the Centers and Peripheries of Healthcare Communication Research (pp. 138-153). London: Routledge.


罗正鹏、高一虹 (2023). 走向死亡话语素养.《医学与哲学》44(8), 19-23. (中文核心)


Wang, S., & Luo, Z.* (2023). “Wish everyone safe and sound”: Ambient affiliation in online comments on medical consultation videos on Bilibili.com. Discourse, Context & Media, 54, Article 100714. (SSCI)


罗正鹏、李婷婷 (2022). 癌症患者在网络互助小组中的期望话语表达.《华人生死学》(1), 90-101.


Luo, Z., Zayts, O., & Shipman, H. (2020). “His story is truly vivid…”: The role of narratives of vicarious experience in commodification and marketisation of genetic testing in Chinese social media. Journal of Pragmatics, 155, 111-122. (SSCI)


Zayts, O., & Luo, Z. (2017). Commodification and marketisation of genetic testing through online direct-to-consumer platforms in Hong Kong. Discourse & Communication, 11(6), 630-647. (SSCI)


罗正鹏 (2015). 高考英语改革背景下中国网民的英语语言态度.《天津外国语大学学报》22(6), 57-63.



主持国家社会科学基金青年项目“线上问诊医患互动的话语研究”,2022.09 -


合作主持北京大学“数字与人文”专项课题“数字健康人文视野下的肿瘤患者叙事研究”(项目负责人:黄蓉),2023.07 - 2024.07。






参与Working together across Arts, Medicine and Education: Enhancing genetic literacy in genetic counselling consultations. Interdisciplinary Knowledge Exchange Project Fund (project KE-ID2015/16-4), University Grants Committee, Hong Kong SAR, China. 09/2016 - 08/2018.




香港大学医疗沟通研究及影响倡议(HKU RIICH)成员





Luo, Z. (2024). Literacy mediation in online medical consultation. Paper presented at iMean7 Conference, University of the West of England, Bristol, UK.


Luo, Z. (2021). Discursive constructions of consumer autonomy: A comparative analysis of the marketing discourses of direct-to-consumer genetic test companies in the United States and China. Paper presented at the Sociolinguistics Symposium 23, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China.


Luo, Z. (2021). Researching online medical consultations in Mainland China. Paper presented at the 3rd International E-Symposium on Communication in Health Care, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China.


Luo, Z. (2019). It’s ‘just scientific fortune-telling’: The discursive construction of direct-to-consumer personal genetic testing – perspectives from Chinese users. Paper presented at the 16th International Pragmatics Conference, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR, China.


Luo, Z. (2018). The emergence of online community of practice among users of direct-to-consumer genetic testing discussion forum in China. Paper presented at the 3rd King’s College London-University of Hong Kong PhD Summer School in Sociolinguistics, King’s College London, UK.


Luo, Z., & Zayts, O. (2017). Language and literacy practices in personal genetic testing. Paper presented at the 15th International Pragmatics Conference, Belfast, UK.


Luo, Z. (2016). Direct-to-consumer online advertising of genetic testing in Hong Kong: A discourse analytic study of company strategies. Paper presented at the 14th International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Communication, Medicine and Ethics (COMET), Aalborg University, Denmark.